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Category: Kubo Rich Life

Acquire Skills and Knowledge, Not Material Possessions

One of the two gold medals I won from a Judo tournament in New Mexico this year. I competed and won in two different divisions.

I’ve always been impressed by people who possessed great skills*, or were pursuing things that would reward them with great skills. The ones acquired from years of studying a serious hobby like drawing or bread baking. This is why whenever I meet someone new I always ask them what they do for fun — how they spend their free time**. Their answers usually reveal whether they have (or will have) great skills or not. If I think they are doing something worth pursuing I tend to find myself imagining what it would be like if I were doing it too. I imagine the new skills I would have as a result of doing the activity, and it puts a warm smile on my face and gives me a strong sense of bliss. In general, pursuing and acquiring new skills (and, hence, new knowledge) have always made me a lot happier than buying and owning material things.

Thanksgiving Day, Leftovers Friday, and Analog Monday; or, Taking Back Thanksgiving from the Marketing Industry

Turkey for our kubo’s Thanksgiving!

We are taking a break from the Kubo King’s Thoughts On College Education series (part 1 and part 2) to welcome the upcoming Thanksgiving Day. In this article, Kubo King shares his first ever experience with Thanksgiving and Black Friday, and how he and Kubo Queen are spending this year’s Thanksgiving and the days that follow it. It’s a pretty heavy article full of fun and reflection. What are you waiting for? Read on!

My very first Thanksgiving was in the year 2001. I was eleven years old, and my family had just immigrated to America in July of that year. At the time, I didn’t really know what it was all about, but I remember looking forward to it because it became obvious that my relatives were going to prepare a feast to celebrate it. I’ve always liked eating, and I’ve always looked forward to birthdays, Christmas, and New Year’s largely for that reason as a young child. So from then on Thanksgiving became another event that I would anticipate each year.

Kubo King and College; or, Kubo King’s Thoughts On College Education (Part I)

A Portland street

Hello villagers, as you might have found out in my previous post, Kubo Queen and I went to college. Maybe you were wondering why I went in the first place, or what I think about college education in general. Well, exciting news, today I share with you the first part of what I wrote on the topic. It tells you why I went to college, what I did to make college worth pursuing, why I think it was worth it for me in the end, and a glimpse of the next part. So what are you waiting for? Read on!